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April Killian is excited to invite you to the 2024 Industry Social!
Come meet some of your favourite local and touring providers at the latest industry social!
Come have a drink, participate in some introduction games and make connections in a very private and hidden venue.
Date: Wednesday November 6th 2024.
Location: Near Metro Papineau, Downtown Montreal.
Venue is sadly not wheelchair accessible. I'm very very sorry.
(I'm sorry for all our clients with disabilities that want to join us and can't make it because of the venues :(. i try very hard for each edition.)
Time: 7pm to 11pm
Dress Attire : Cocktail, Cute, Anything more then casual, please no sports wear.
Unfolding 4h:
Get to meet Local and Touring Providers. Get to chat, catch up, meet, introduce yourself, have a few giggles and partake in some of our little games made to start conversations!
Entrance Fee :
Clients & Couples : 250$
Every ticket includes a 50$ Donation to Stella.
Your ticket includes a bottle of water and the presence at the event. Alcohol isn't included in your ticket but can be bought on location.
To participate in this event, you MUST provide the name of a provider you have previously met or a pic of ID for verification.
Please send the email to April so she can manage your approval.
Once approuved, April will send you the link to the Eventbrite Page to purchase your ticket for the event.
The ticket is of the amount of 100$ and represents the deposit required to book your spot.
Balance paid the evening of the event, in an envelope marked with your name.
Deposit must be paid via Eventbrite. Which will give you a ticket to present the evening of the event to be scanned.
Places : 50 Places are open to start. more might be added as it goes.
Booking and Screening : April Killian + Management
Supervisors : Lilith & Arté
Attendees : List of Providers will be updated as often as new providers confirm their presence
Rules :
Please respect everyone's boundaries. Ask before doing anything.
No talking about SW outside around the venue, in front of the door.
Please be discreet until you are inside.
All Clients will be screened for everyone comfort and safety.
This is a social ONLY event. You are welcome to arrange dates for a different evening or later in the same evening if you desire to pursue a connection. Please respect if a provider desires to stay at the event and join you at a later time.
Any pushy or unacceptable behavior will result in you being BANNED without refund.
The event is hosted in a venue that sells and is permitted to sell alcohol, please drink reasonably. If you are too drunk, you will be asked to leave.
**In the event that you choose to cancel your presence, you will still be required to pay the full amount of the ticket PROMPLTY. We budget these events on the premise that everyone that said would attend does indeed attend. Thank you for understanding.
We are open to having 2 tables for Vendors that wish to sell products or services to the crowd (Photographers, sex toys, merch, etc)