Fly me to you

Fly me to you, or with you!

I love travelling!

Even more if it's to get to you!

Here are a few details regarding my fly me to you options!

Need Inspiration? Visit my travel ideas!


*As I have a few engagements and lots of projects, involving lots of
people, I do require 90 mins/day of personal time for bookings over 18h.

*So i can be fully rested and energized for you, I need a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Before Leaving:

We must have a few minutes on Skype, to get to know each other, establish a trust and see if we are a good fit.

I will need half of the agreed roses before leaving, and the other half must be given on the first day, upon arrival.

For security reasons, I do not meet in personal houses on first encounters.
Please provide a reputable hotel room for both of us to acquaintance.

I do not require business of first class seating on the plane or any other transportation, I'm tiny and fit anywhere, haha!


Quebec city : Minimum 4 hours + travel

Ottawa : Minimum 4 hours + travel

Rest of Canada : Minimum booking of 6 hours + travel expenses


(My USA rates are the same as Can but in USD)

*Minimum booking of 4 hours for areas in the Washington, Indianapolis and Minneapolis North-East Arc + travel expenses

*Minimum booking of 8 hours for the rest of the USA + travel expenses

*Bookings over 8 hours to 24h :

Please Provide a hotel room where I can spend the night and rest before flying back to Montreal (if necessary).

Canada & USA Getaway Rates :
24H: 3500Roses
48H: 5500Roses
3 Days: 7500Roses
5 Days: 11500Roses
1 Week: 15500Roses
10 Days: 21500 Roses