I would like to learn...


Kiss and Tell

Whether you're new to woman's intimacy, have lots of experience or just want to get better in somethings you'd like to do to your partner. Let's discuss some tips and tricks on the feminine techniques.

Kissing, exploration of the vulva, understanding women arousal and more.

1h: 250 Roses

Kiss and Play, Touch, Discover :
1h: 500 Roses
Learn to be a Dom

Learn how to communicate with your partner and take them on a sensation ride.
Learn how to play with pain and pleasure to create a mix of tingles and anticipation...

​90 mins (45min class - 45 min play) : 700 Roses

Learn the communication language, the roles, exchanges of powers, introduction to impact play and more...

You will practice on me :)

​​​Learn to be a Sub

The goal is to allow yourself to explore vulnerability, sense differently, to allow yourself to be controlled by someone you trust. You can bring your partner or I can guide you sensually through the submission, explaining each step.

​90 mins (45min class - 45min play) : 700 Roses

Learn the communication language, the roles, exchanges of powers, introduction to impact play and more...

​​​BDSM 101 (social-no play)

Learn the communication language, the roles, exchanges of powers, introduction to impact play and more...

60 mins : 250 Roses

Need a stylist ?
Lets' go shopping together

1h: 250 Roses
2h: 450 Roses
3h: 600 Roses